Drishti 2.0

 T.S. Eliot wrote:

We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.

For those in their mid-30's there is enough they have dreamt, seen and experienced that leads them to see the wisdom of these words. It is by no means the beginning of the journey home, rather more like completing a lap full circle. One develops a familiarity with the patterns, experiences the causalities and starts to come out of the shadows of his/her parents. Many mark this period as the beginning of the mid-life crisis, I tend to think of it more as an "end to parental privilege". In any case, it does provide certain clarity that has the potential to both empower or paralyze depending on what we chose to do with this clarity. 

Many years ago, mostly driven by good grades in language courses,  I had begun to harbor ambitions of becoming a writer by avocation. And in those moments I had started this blog. Dormant for last 4 years and seeing only staccato activity for the last 6 years or so, this blog page turned out to be the obvious go to place when I exhausted every other available option to re-boot my writing routine. 

I was hesitant to admit that the best I could have done for my writing avocation would have been to stick around with this blog. And so in an attempt to save myself embarrassment I kept looking at other avenues - perhaps Linkedin notes, or start another blog with another title more reflective of my current profile - but in a moment of honesty I admitted to myself that this platform is as good as any other and perhaps even better than any new one. So here I am rebooting this blog as Drishti 2.0 

The topics are likely to reflect quite an extensive set of experiences I have gained both in my professional and personal life and I do expect a noticeable shift in my opinions and hopefully maturity. 

I am happy to have arrived back! 



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