Who are we?

Who are we if not that symbol of excellence fallen from heights?
Who are we if not the seeker of greatness strayed from our paths?
Who are we if not the storm that can move mountains made weak by our own fears?
Who are we if not a noble soul blinded by our own ambition?

Who are we if not a brave warrior bridled by the thought of failure?
Who are we if not a farmer corrupted by the greed of harvest?
Who are we if not the master of our destiny fallen prey to our senses?
Who are we if not the reflection of God muddled by the haze of pleasure?

Are we not that who was destined to do great things?
Are we not that who was created to make the Creator proud?
Aren’t we the music that would flow like the carefree wind?
Are we not just who we were?


  1. Apologies for the late comment - didn't read this until today.
    Interesting poem - i like the way how every line is a question and an answer in itself.
    But I think every line should have been "Who am I..." and "Am I not". If it was not meant to be singular, then the second part of the lines should be plural.. like brave warriors, farmers etc etc.
    Or did i understand this totally wrong?
    What prompted you to write this?!

  2. nice one... in depth!.. enjoyed the soul in each line!

    as a reminder do send a mail when you post :)...


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